Friday 13 November 2015

What Makes You Happy?

If this came out in my MUET writing test, I'd be the happiest person on earth.

I had this feeling of wanting to blog bugging me for the past few weeks? Days? Well, actually... months. I've been wanting to update my blog for months but every time I start to type something, that something gets in the way. Like, I don't feel this need to be posted. I had 3 to 4 drafted posts that I just deleted today. Hehh...

I was just doing a little 'renovation' with my blog, with no intention of posting anything when Naya suddenly said something about things that makes you happy *we were in a deep conversation* and I was like....

That's what I'm gonna talk about! Before I continue blabbering, I would like to take this chance to say thank you to Seera and Naya for inspiring to blog xoxo <3 <3 <3

My MUET teacher actually gave us an essay on this kind of topic but I don't feel like I gave my best opinion about 


What makes me happy? To be honest I'm not even sure. But I know the moments that made me so happy and I realized most of them are time spent with the ones I love. Not on special occasions, just one of those random days when I'm with my family or my friends. Okay, those are common things. Aside from that, I love watching my dog eat, like, its the most magical thing in life! Okay, that's just exaggerating hahaha. But seriously, my dog makes me happy with her goofy face especially when she sees me coming home. 

I like art (I'm not using love cos I haven't reach that level where I'm so passionate about art), on rare occasions I draw, just draw cos I'm not good with colouring. Looking at my finished drawings also makes me happy and satisfied in a way like it's an achievement of the year hahaha! But most of the time I end up adding more unfinished drawings to my collections of unfinished drawings.

I'm not a fit person nor do I exercise a lot but when I actually decide to go for a run, it actually makes me feel happy, like I did something good to my body.  Do it for the endorphins they say, Just Do it they say hehh.. I hope one day I'll actually lose weight and live a healthy life lolsxz

After coming to Kuching, I've discovered a new kind of happiness. Seera, is a very adventurous person (when she's in the mood) like Bilbo Baggins....

One day she's like "I just wanna watch Friends...", and then one day she's like "I wanna take pictures! I wanna do this! I wanna do that! I wanna go here, I wanna go there!"

On good days (by good days, I mean when we actually decide to be productive, wake up early and dress nicely), we go to new places in Kuching. The first kind-of-a-road trip we went to was Sematan. It took us about 2 hours to reach Sematan and we got lost along the way, buuttt thanks to Waze we managed to get back on track yayyyy ~~~~~~

We spent half day at Sematan beach and roaming around the areas, discovering new places. At the end of the day, coming back home feeling tired and sun burnt actually gave us a feeling of pure satisfaction. 

On most days, we just laze at home all day doing mostly eating, watching you tube, movie and Friends. But I don't mind at all. We need this kind of balance (Namaste) in our life but my life isn't balanced. I'm more towards lazy than trying to be productive. I need to work on that. 

My point from all that Sematan trip is that doing something productive that I don't do everyday actually makes me happy. Iyaa, begitulaa. 

Can I just conclude that happiness is when I feel I've accomplished something. Anything. Making my family proud makes me happy. Their happiness makes me feel content. My contentment comes from people around me. Macam the cycle of life la pula hehh (blogging till 2 am in the morning also makes me happy cos I feel like this is an accomplishment). In a nutshell, my kind of happiness doesn't always have to come from great things. 

So, where does your happiness comes from? Is it really happiness or is it just something temporary to distract you from feeling empty #rasamaudeepdeeptapiinifail
By the way, here's a 15 sec video of the trip by Seera. If you're free, drop by her you tube channel, give her a thumb up and subscribe! Tell your momma to subscribe, tell your father to subscribe, tell your pastor to subscribe! (Timmy punya catch phrase, Jangan curi curi!)

Sunday 3 May 2015

It's beauty, why are you against it??

Hello beautifuls! 

Oh my goodness, how long has it been since I last updated?? Probably, last year hahah. I have my own reasons and as usual I'm going to explain myself. (So predictable..)

The truth is that I don't know what to blog about. I am free and I do have the time since I have finished my Form 6, but not knowing on what to write is quite depressing beacuse I really want my blog posts to be exciting, happening, dramatic and most importantly, not boring

The reason why I decided to blog in the first place was to share my opinion, thoughts and things that I do. It was easier when I was still in school where a lot of things happen where the dramas are. Now that I'm staying at home (for almost half a year now) and doing nothing, theres not much to share. 

BUT, I decided not to give in to the temptation of not blogging (hahah, trying to sound dramatic there) so I gave in a lot of thought to this post. Besides, this had been bugging me for a quite a long time.

Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls...
Why are you so against make up?? I don't mean all of you. Of course there are some people who just love it, including myself tho I am not good at it. I have heard a few person say things like 'I don't like girls with make up' and a girl said 'I didn't apply make up, up to you to believe me or not' saying that as if, girls or women who use make up are ugly. Girl, I know you are naturally beautiful but who gave you rights to consider people (I'm using people cos men wear make up too you know) who wear cosmetics unattractive or ugly?? I know you don't say it out loud but I know you mean it like that. 

Have you ever thought of it this way. Your clean face is like an empty room. Plain. Then you start decorating the room, filling it with furnitures, paint the wall and add a little lighting and voila! You have a nicely decorated room! It's pretty much the same with your face. You draw a little line, a few touch up here and there and you have a nicely decorated face.

I don't know why some people look down to people who wears make up. I've read this caption somewhere before "Its better to scare away the boys now than on your wedding night." Saying that as if ALL girls who are wearing make up intend to hide their face beneath all that make up. Girl, if yo boy leaves you cos he haven't seen yo face nekkid,then he ain't really yo boy!

Okay, imagine if one day you wake up with eyebags, acne all over your face, dark circles under your eyes or maybe someone accidentally elbowed you in the face yesterday leaving bruises and you have a job interview that day. Would you still feel comfortable and confident going to the job interview like that? I'm pretty sure a bit of touch up would have saved the day. Think think think, really think about it. 

Have you ever considered make up as an art? It's like, a clean face is a blank paper and all that foundations and eyeshadows and make up brush are painting tools. Have you ever look or seen make up with aesthetic values as you see a very beautiful painting? Well, have you?

Just to make myself clear, I don't have anything against people who like to keep it natural. In fact, its good because it means you feel good about yourself and you are confident and no, I don't mean that wearing make up means you feel less good. It means that you are more artisty ;)

Thank you for your time and have a good and blessed week ahead! 

*thoughts and opinions are more than welcome :)

Sunday 13 July 2014

Everyone's in it!!

Hello hello and hello

As usual I'm giving the y-no-updates-excuse in 2 or 3 months?? I'm just being busy, honestly, I'm just being lazy ho ho ho. I've been busy helping mum with her patchwork. If you're interested in her - our work, do tell me lol, joking :P 

For the past almost-two months, everyone's in the so-called FIFA fever. I'm not really a football fan but I wish I was because now that I am, I realized I just missed all the actions. 

Some people questions us, like, 'you know you're just wasting your time with the sleepless nights and screaming and yelling and all of the frustrations' when you favorite team didn't make it to the next match. Well, lemme tell you one thing, it's the one of the time when you feel the enthusiasm, the adrenaline (tho you're not in the game lol), frustrations, you feel emotions - that's why people love it so much and why I've started to love it. Probably cuz student's life is just to dull and I needed some action? Nahh! I just wanted to watch Messi in action :P (yes, team Argentina)

Fyi, my friends and I are skipping school tomorrow to watch the final match. So, which team are you supporting? Btw, guys, winning or losing please keep supporting, respect and don't talk craps about other team. It's really rude.

Nebalos grammar kinih. Do2 sier bul, sama ph team kiteh sound2 kkuh men ;)

Monday 30 December 2013

New Year's Resolutions / Tahun Baru, Azam Baru ;)

Hello beautiful and handsome earthlings! Yeay, so tonight's New Year's Eve and 2014 is in just a few hours. Come to think of it, a year has passed by so quickly and I'm 19 in just a few weeks! *sighs* I'm getting new wrinkles each year -_- lol joking

So my New Year's Resolution, I've got a lot of thing I'm hoping to improve on what I don't like about myself. At first, I was thinking of just listing it but then I thought about it again and again, it's better that I "elaborate." Just to remind myself and make it clear.

1. Appreciate More
Honestly, I find 2013 was quite hard on me. I'm always worried about things, I'm always frustrated about things that I always thought that I deserve and it's messing with my mood but I never appreciate what I already have and maybe other people out there are dying to have what I have, kali ~ so starting 2014, I'll try my best to appreciate what I have, including the people around me.

2. Anger Management
People who are close to me know me for my short temper, and its not something to be proud of. I hope I can be more patient when it comes to annoying people or when my mum nags me or anything that triggers my anger.

3. GET MY DRIVING LICENCE! (This does not need explanation)

4. Study Harder
Seriously, I really hate studying - no, I despise it -_- but, when I sit for exam, that's when I realized...

5. Less Lazier
...especially on school days! My target is to keep the house, especially the living room and my bed room clean at all times, finish the laundries right on time for me to study or do my homework and also hoping that I would not fall asleep on the sofa every time I come back from school and lastly, finish ALL of my school work

6. Time Management
This is a must for every student, I, in fact is seriously is in a need of one. Since semester 2 is going to be busier that last semester, as our teacher had warned us, I will try my best to finish my school work on time or even better, earlier. And also, hoping that TV would not get in my way of finishing my work/chores. 

7. Be a Better Sister/Daughter
Honestly, I'm not even sure I can do that but trying wouldn't hurt, right? Since mum said I lack femininity love, which she meant that I'm quite rough on my younger brothers but I think that I just want both of them to be independent and also I think both of them are being pampered too much. I mean, when I was their age I get canned every time I do the slightest mistake. Still, my family thinks I need the so-called femininity love so I will try my best to give my rarely-shown affection towards them.

8. Build Up My Confidence 
Seriously, this one is just so hard. But I really want to be in a crowd of people where I can feel comfortable and not feel awkward. 

9. No More Snooze!
The reason I don't have time for breakfast on school days -_-

So, that is all and...HAPPY NEW YEAR! :) God Bless You!

Monday 23 December 2013

Christmas Must Be Something More

Hello hello beautiful earthlings :*
Christmas is tomorrow and tonight's Christmas eve. I know everyone is just as excited as I am wohoo!! Hahaha I'm just being excited that's all.

About my tittle, I've been thinking on writing that for a long time already. The thing is, ever since December came along, people have been talking about Christmas presents and how to spend their Christmas and again Christmas presents. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against the whole Christmas presents thing, it's just that people have been going through the wrong concept about "Christmas present". What I'm trying to say is that remember why we celebrated Christmas in the first place; To celebrate Jesus' birthday.

So if you're so stressed about what you would get for Christmas, just remember that you have had the best Christmas present every year and its from God. And if you're so stressed on how to spend your Christmas just think about how your life would've turned out to be if Jesus never came into this world. Count your blessings. Life can be full of shits and sometimes you end up curling on your bed crying how your life is like hell but you have to thank God for giving yourself strength to go through all of that. And remember in just days, you've been strong enough to overcome hurdles in your life and another year had passed.

Anndd about Christmas presents, again I have nothing against it. I find it loving and warm when one put their thoughts on what to get the person they care for Christmas.

In short, again and again I don't have anything against Christmas presents. I just want to say that don't get so worked out on it. Remember, God has given us the best Christmas present to each and every one of us.

Btw, if you find it hard understanding the crap I just wrote, listen to this song. And yea, I got the tittle from the song hoho

Like what Ryan Higa would say, MERRY HOLIDAYS! I'm just kidding, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! (tho its gonna end soon)

Monday 16 September 2013

Temper, temper, temper

Ever wonder where did the title Volcano Rapper came from and what it exactly meant? Well, if you haven't read my friends' post about bestfriend I'm sure you have question marks popping all over your head right now lol~

If you haven't read it, too bad cuz my friend deleted or drafted it or whatever since it was a long time ago (not really)  but I'll be talking about it anyway. Soo, get ready to be boringfied (I guess that's a word since there's no red underline, I'm so cool haha)

People who know me know that I have this annoying attitude - bad temper. I won't deny it and I do realize that it has gotten worse for the last two years and believe me it's not that awesome to snap at everyone about little things. It's one thing about being snappy, blurting harsh words is another. Don't get me wrong, I don't curse in real life (except when I'm realllly angry) at people or things though I really feel like to.

Sometimes, I get too emotional (not the happy or sad or etc) over small things. When people ask me about things I answer it using my soo "emotional" tone which I usually do with my family. Trust me, I'm annoying.

Plus, when something doesn't go right, I'll get really pissed. There was one time I threw my phone's charger on the wall cuz it won't work and it ended up being smash to pieces. RIP charger. You've been 'useful.' Sometimes, during test, when I can't do the question I suddenly get this annoyed feeling suddenly. Since I can't do anything to calm myself down I just let out a loud sigh which can be heard by the entire class including the teacher ofc. 

You probably thought it can't be that bad. Well trust me, it ain't that cool. I made my friend cried and she was hurt and I don't even know how to apologise to her without getting annoyed since she was saying I'm mean and yada yada yada ~ I even made my mum cried because she was nagging me to do this and that so I snapped and because of that I got a lecture from my brother. If only I'm emotionless it'd be easier to hurt people's feeling and not feel guilty about it, too bad I'm not that emotionless. 

Sometime, I think its best for me to just keep myself away from the world (soo emosi eh ~) cuz I get angry by just looking at things that irritates me ; the girl that flirts with every guy she sees, the dude who's overly dress and the list goes on and on. I think I'm the one that's being irritating.

Since I made myself a promise this year, that is not getting mad at little things and learn just to let it go, I think I made myself some progress. That is until the day I realize it's not getting any better. Well, my promise did work a little but when the same thing annoy me again and again I end up exploding like a volcano. *sigh
That is so not cool, I'm worried that my temper will make my classmates hates me. If they're understanding like my friends (which are not around anymore), it'd be easier for me.

My mum said, I'm probably like this because I've had enough of people stepping all over my head when I was in primary school. People used to ask me do this and that but never had the courage to say no, or I don't want to. Well, I sure did more than stood up for myself.

Maybe next time when people ask me favour that I don't feel like doing, I should just put on my Grumpy Cat face and say..

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Live In Love

Yeah, I know. My tittle sounds kinda a bit cheesy and jiwang XD

So, I just finished watching Jang Ok-Jung and the tittle is also known as Live In Love. You know how Korean dramas have so many tittles in English - and yes, I do watch Korean dramas. Well, I actually stopped watching K-dramas like a few months ago. Habis minat wah ~ I started watching Jang Ok-Jung a few weeks ago on every Tuesday night to kill time before going to bed (since I used to watch Hannibal before going to bed T^T). I never thought the drama would be this awwweeessoommmeee ~~

Kim Tae Hee as Jang Ok-Jung
QAQ she's soooo beautiful :3

So, for those who don't know about this drama, it's an interpretation about the life of a famous concubine in the Joseon Dynasty. Yes - it's based on a true story. Ok-Jung was a lady-in-waiting who became a concubine and later a queen who gave birth to the future King.

So, I just remembered that today would be the last episode and I really wanted to know what happened to Ok-Jung in the end. It was such a devastating ending for her (more like to me XD). Well, at least she died in the arm of her beloved husband. 

For more info about her click here

Cast of Jang Ok-Jung aka Live In Love

Andd... oh yeah, about the ending - OMG, it's been a long time since I've really cried, I mean REALLY cried while watching a drama. I really wanted to cry out loud - like, hysterically (lol, that's too much XDD) but I had to held it in since my mum was watching it with me. I would look really weird if I were to get really emotional over a drama. BUT SERIOUSLY - anyone who watched that scene where Ok-Jung died in the arm of the King would've cried too. Their facial expression were really good. When the King cried silently after Ok-Jung died left a really deep impression. I HAVE to watch the repeat so I can cry freely when I watch the scene where Ok-Jung died hoho ~

What really touched me was how the King tried so much to protect Ok-Jung from being killed even though it may cost him to lose his throne. Still, Ok-Jung decided she needs to protect the King this time by taking her own life - since that's what everyone wants. Inilah kisah cinta sebenar hehehe :3

Oh dear, I have presentation on Alexander II tomorrow but I still have the time to write about some concubine from the Joseon Dynasty XDD